Guinea Fowl

Guinea fowl, native to Africa, were brought to the United States by early settlers. A guinea is more active than a chicken, it ranges farther and flies higher. There are seven species of guinea fowl. Helmeted guinea fowl ( Numinidae meleagris ) are the most common species of guinea in the United States. They are named for the bony "helmet" on their head. Guinea fowl are hardy and mostly disease free birds.

They are increasing in popularity for a variety of reasons.

1) For insect control. The main food for guineas are insects. Guineas will consume large amounts of insects for the most part leaving vegetable and flower gardens alone. Guineas eat ticks, flees, grasshoppers, flies, mosquitoes, crickets, slugs, worms, ants, and other insects. And they do not like snakes. Guineas also eat weed seeds.

2) Farm watch dog. Guinea fowl will sound an alarm when anything unusual occurs on the property. Some may find this noise a nuisance, but for others the guinea is an effective tool for protecting the farm livestock. Guineas will alert other poultry on the farm of danger. Chickens will dash under a bush for cover to hide from predators.

3) Eggs. Guinea eggs can be eaten just like chicken eggs and should be collected daily.

4) Feathers. Guinea fowl feathers are often sought for use in arts and crafts.

5) Income. Guinea fowl can bring in extra income by the sale of guinea keets ( baby guinea ) and hatching eggs.

6) To consume. Guinea can be an alternative to chicken meat. It is said that it has a lovely flavor with a slight gamey taste to it.

In 2022, we will be selling eggs, keetagers, and adult Guineas.  Please see our pricing and sale information below.

Guinea Keetagers (Juveniles 12 + weeks old) Pick Up Only NOT IN STOCK NOW (Read Description)

$ 14.00
  • This listing is for keetagers close to the age of 12 + weeks old. 2022 hatch Guinea Keetagers (Juveniles) available in HATCHERY CHOICE COLORS, random colors we select for you. PICK UP ONLY. These Keetagers will NOT be SHIPPED. They DO NOT require a heat lamp. Straight Run (Unsexed).

Guinea Keetagers (Juveniles 16+ weeks old) Pick Up Only NOT IN STOCK NOW (Read Description)

$ 18.00
  • This listing is for keetagers close to the age of 16 + weeks old. 2022 hatch Guinea Keetagers (Juveniles) available in HATCHERY CHOICE COLORS, random colors we select for you. PICK UP ONLY. These Keetagers will NOT be SHIPPED. They DO NOT require a heat lamp. Straight Run (Unsexed). We will notify you to make pickup arrangements. •We meet customers Sundays, Monday, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays from 11:00 am until 5:00 pm. Pickup is by appointment only.

1 Pair of Guinea Fowl (Read Description Below)

$ 40.00
  • One (1) Pair of Adult Guinea Fowl 1 Male and 1 Female will be in your order. Order as many pairs as you wish. Adults may be 1 to 4 years of age. Hatchery Choice colors, we select the colors for you. Guineas may be two different colors in the pair. Pick Up Only. These Adults will not be shipped. •We meet customers Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays from 11:00 am until 5:00 pm.